Apprendre à quel point les plaies chroniques sont difficiles à gérer et à traiter, et comment parfois des plaies chroniques graves peuvent conduire à des amputations, m'a ouvert les yeux.

Cela m'a suffi pour consacrer plus de temps à ce sujet, car on ne voit pas souvent ce genre de complications en milieu communautaire.

Rapid Recovery for Skin Grafts

View Patients Application Video

Why is the Propolis Balm a Game-Changer in Skin Healing?

  • Potent Natural Propolis: The star ingredient, propolis, is renowned for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It plays a vital role in preventing infection and accelerating the skin's natural healing process.
  • Soothing and Nourishing: Our balm is infused with a blend of natural oils and butters, providing the essential hydration and nourishment needed for rapid skin regeneration and reducing inflammation.
  • Expertly Formulated: Developed by a pharmacist, the Propolis Balm is specifically designed to meet the delicate needs of healing skin, ensuring a gentle yet effective recovery.

Le patient a appliqué le Sérum Active 8 & Baume Propolis deux fois par jour

Incredible benefits for your skin 🐝

Propolis's natural composition provides a powerful defense against inflammation, bacteria, and fungi, making it an invaluable ingredient in our skincare products. Its antimicrobial activity, derived from the resilience of plants against environmental pathogens, is harnessed to protect and heal your skin.

This mothers story is just one of many that highlight the healing power of propolis in real-life scenarios.

Facteurs qui RETARDENT la cicatrisation des plaies :

🔴 Manque d'oxygène dû à une mauvaise circulation.

🔴 Infection et développement d'un biofilm (couche de bactéries colonisant la plaie ouverte).

🔴Stress ou fonction immunitaire altérée.

Diabetic Ulcer Treatment

Treatment Approach:

  • Active 8 Serum: Applied twice daily, this serum provided essential nutrients and prepared the skin for further treatment.
  • Propolis Balm: Known for its potent healing properties in diabetic ulcers, Propolis Balm was applied in the morning. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities are particularly effective in accelerating diabetic ulcer healing.

The Outcome:

This regimen led to an unexpectedly quick recovery, showcasing the potential of Dermagen's products in diabetic ulcer treatment and emphasising the effectiveness of natural, holistic skincare approaches.

Key Benefit to utalising Propolis Balm for wound healing

Le meilleur, c'est que nos baumes ont des propriétés antiseptiques, réduisent l'inflammation, apaise la douleur, favorisent la régénération cutanée et les huiles et cires naturelles maintiennent la zone hydratée !

Ces avantages contribuent à garantir que les plaies mineures, les coupures, les éraflures, les points de suture, les ampoules et les plaies guérissent plus rapidement avec très peu de cicatrices.

Les suppléments qui peuvent aider à la cicatrisation de la peau contiennent de grandes quantités d’antioxydants ou de flavonoïdes, car ils réduisent les dommages causés par les radicaux libres sur le site de la blessure et aident les nouvelles cellules à se régénérer. La vitamine C est un antioxydant bien connu qui contribue à la formation de collagène.

Nous recommandons la vitamine C 1000 Plus Herbs of Gold comme supplément général si vous avez besoin d'un apport supplémentaire en antioxydants et en zinc.

Le baume à l'huile de Manuka a été appliqué une fois par jour

A few words from our customers


We have been using the skin radiance lotion for a couple of years now.
My husband suffers from skin cancers. Before we commenced using the radiance lotion, his face was red, blotchy, dry flake skin.
Since using the radiance lotion the improvement in his skin on his face has been much improved.
We had an appointment with a dermatologist a few weeks ago, & even she commented in how good the skin in his face was. She was very impressed.

Kay Prendergast

Following my sisters advice I have been purchasing DermaGen products for some time now. I have a very dry sun damaged skin and a skin condition called morphea.

The combination of the oil and balm really helps all my conditions especially taking the pain and itchiness out of the areas affected by the morphea. Delivery is prompt and customer service cannot be faulted.

Julie O

Best product I've used, and I've tried many

I started using this Balm on my face with good results so then went on to lower legs and arms. All sundamaged areas (make that acreages - ha,ha.), so need big pot.

I have used many products over the years and yours is the best.

Judith Hill

Utterly amazed with this lotion
I'm absolutely loving your products.

I have very sun-damaged skin with a lot of sun spots and since using this lotion I'm pleased and utterly amazed at what it has done for my skin.

This is by far the best skin lotion I have ever used and I'm so ever grateful for such an excellent product.

Wendy N

Skin cancer treatment
My Dad had a large number of skin cancers ( Basal cell carcinoma) burnt off with liquid nitrogen by his skin specialist.

He has to have this done fairly regularly as a preventative treatment and although necessary it leaves his skin angry, inflamed and very sore.

He decided to try the DG Manuka balm as an alternative to the prescribed steroid cream.

The results were amazing not only did the balm sooth and heal the skin but there is also a lot less scarring than he has been left with previously.

Marnie Kelly

Fantastic for blisters caused by photosensitivity!

My oldest daughter is photosensitive and breaks out in blisters on her forehead from as little as 10 minutes of sun exposure.

We used the Propolis balm on her newly developed blisters and they were almost fully healed the next day!

With the Propolis balm, it didn't make any harsh scabs or leave her with any discoloured spots or scars.

Bonita A

Love, love , love
I have been using the trio for two weeks now.

I have been using the serum and skin radiance lotion twice a day and have noticed that my skin is hydrated and it has reduced the red splotches.

It is always working wonders on my sun damaged cheeks.

I also used both products on my forehead where it looked like it was about to start peopling and haven’t had any peeling occur since .

Sarah William

Working with The Wound Care Space

We are proud to be a part and sponsor this training that has been designed by Lusi from The Wound Educator. Lusi is a credentialed Wound Care Clinician and helped establish pharmacy-based Wound Care and Compression clinics in WA. Lusi's goal is to help more pharmacists provide optimal wound care outcomes and forge a new career pathway.

About the Wound Care Course