Understanding Slough in Wound Healing février 05, 2024Karen Cheah Slough is a common and natural occurrence in the wound healing process, particularly in wounds that are healing by secondary intention. This process involves the wound healing from the bottom...
Natural Wound Healing Journey: Discovering the Power of DermaGen's Skincare février 05, 2024Karen Cheah Kathryn's journey from injury to recovery serves as a compelling testament to the power of diligent wound care and the effectiveness of natural skincare products. Her experience began with a...
Étapes essentielles pour gérer les infections bactériennes secondaires mai 01, 2023Karen Cheah Lorsque la barrière cutanée est compromise, elle devient vulnérable à divers micro-organismes, tels que des bactéries (Staphylococcus aureus), des champignons (Candida Albicans) et des virus (Herpès ou Molluscum), qui peuvent...