Understanding Slough in Wound Healing February 05, 2024Karen Cheah Slough is a common and natural occurrence in the wound healing process, particularly in wounds that are healing by secondary intention. This process involves the wound healing from the bottom...
Natural Wound Healing Journey: Discovering the Power of DermaGen's Skincare February 05, 2024Karen Cheah Kathryn's journey from injury to recovery serves as a compelling testament to the power of diligent wound care and the effectiveness of natural skincare products. Her experience began with a...
Essential Steps For Managing Secondary Bacterial Infections May 01, 2023Karen Cheah When the skin barrier is compromised, it becomes vulnerable to various microorganisms, such as bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus), fungi (Candida Albicans), and viruses (Herpes or Molluscum), which can infiltrate the body...